
4 Reasons Why You Should Try the Coco Chic Body Package

Local beauty salon and spa, Coco Chic has unveiled its exciting ‘Coco Chic Body Package’. The combination of body treatments and nutrition plans in the curated package is designed to accompany your fitness goals, helping tone and contour your body.

Here are 4 things that set this body package apart from the rest.

Cryo Fit

Cryotherapy uses temperatures as low as -150°C to trigger the body’s systemic response. It clears toxins from the blood and spreads nutrients, enzymes, and oxygenated blood throughout the body to help decrease inflammation, aid in weight loss, tighten the skin, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.


This compression massage is done via pants or a jacket. Not only does it feel amazing, but it also helps you reduce cellulite & lose inches by getting rid of fluid retention. The results of ‘Ballancer’ are immediately noticeable!

Body Contouring

This non-invasive procedure is to reduce localized fat by applying ultrasound energy to targeted areas. The treatment creates tiny bubbles in the fat cells, weakening the fat to liquify it. This is then reused by the body or eliminated by the body, thus toning & contouring the targeted areas. It also helps tighten the skin & reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Nutrition & Exercise Plan

Body treatments are NOT a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. A well-balanced nutrition plan combined with a consistent exercise routine is the most crucial thing for a healthy body, inside and out. If you’re new to this or would generally like some advice, Coco Chic is happy to help.

The full month-long package will run you MVR 10,000, which can be paid on an installment basis.

Coco Chic is located on Ahmed Ameer Magu in Male’. For more information about the package and other services, call 7950077.

Full details are available at the link below:

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